Monday, November 24, 2014

The Secrets of Maybank2u That Will Make You Suprised


i would like to share to you something interesting and useful for your daily life.u can use all of its services in your daily activities. what i want to share to you rite now is THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY MAYBANK2U.. I guess there is people out there still don't know the services provided by Maybank2u except transferring and online bill payment..

here i want to show to you all of the product provided by Maybank2u .. just watch the picture below

the homepage of Maybank2u

the examples of online bank transfer

Golden Savings using the shariah principle of Mudharabah

Maybank2u on the Play Store

For other inquiries u can go trough their website or just call their Maybank Group Customer Care at 1300 88 6688 or +603 7844 3696..OMG i almost forgot..this is a reminder from me and Maybank2u..DONT BE A VICTIM OF EMAIL OR SMS FROUD!! hurry dial +603 5891 4744 if u get email or sms that need you to give your information to them..thanks for reading my entry